Join the Alvotel Loyalty Club

Enjoy Exclusive Benefits at our Hotels in Mallorca

Welcome to the Alvotel Loyalty Club! As a member, you'll enjoy a range of exclusive benefits designed to enhance your travel experience at our hotels in Mallorca. From guaranteed discounts on your bookings to special perks and amenities, our loyalty club is the perfect way to make the most of your stays on this beautiful island. Join now to start enjoying a more personalized and rewarding travel experience with Alvotel!

Lighthouse Port de Soller

8% minimum discount guaranteed

 Welcome glass of Cava

 1 voucher for a 15% discount in our restaurants or bars

 10% discount on online massage bookings

 50% discount in our car park

Discounts and benefits are exclusive for bookings made directly through the hotel's website, by phone or email, or in person. Third-party bookings through online travel agencies or other intermediaries are not eligible for discounts.  (Please read here our full Terms & Conditons )